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This opportunity intends to improve educational outcomes for all students, close achievement gaps, increase equity, and improve the quality of instruction. As a TSI-AT & CU school, AG is required to develop a comprehensive plan that specifically addresses how the school will improve student achievement. The plan will also include how our district will support us and monitor our school's progress. The comprehensive plan will address the following areas: Classroom Management Standards-aligned Instruction Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) Instructional Leadership Recruitment & Retention of Effective Teachers Support for Grade-to-Grade Transitions Implementation of a Tiered Instructional System Data-Driven Decision Making Student Support Services Family and Community Engagement We have set the following goals this school year: The percentage of 8th-grade students who score at the College and Career (CCR) level -- a 4 or 5 -- on the Grade 8 Mathematics EOG will increase from 14.1% in SY2021-22 to 28% Out-of-School Suspension (OSS) disproportionately for Black students will decrease from 55.8% in SY2021-22 to 23% in SY2023-24. Teachers at Alexander Graham will exceed expected Educator Value-Added Assessment System (EVAAS) growth. The percentage of students reporting a positive self-perception of their self-efficacy will increase from 49% on the Fall 2021 Panorama Screener (in Grades 6- 12) to 59% in SY2023-24 The percentage of students reporting a positive self-perception of their engagement will increase from 32% on the Fall 2021 Panorama Screener (in Grades 6-12) to 42% in SY2023-24. The percentage of students reporting a positive self-perception of their self-management, and/or engagement will increase from 71% on the Fall 2021 Panorama Screener (in Grades 6-12) to 81% in SY2023-24. We will increase our students with disabilities subgroup performance grade from an F to a D or higher in 2023-24. (ֶƵGoal 4 and A4.01) Our students need to experience higher achievement levels, but it will require hard work on the part of staff, students and families. Here are some strategies we will be implementing: Increased time of instruction for our academic intervention block An intensive ML plan has been created to work on providing support to students to increase reading proficiency An intensive plan has been created to work on providing targeted support to our students with exceptionalities. Everyone Reads Community Reading program to allow volunteers to buddy with our ML learners to increase reading fluency Supporting students through vendor provided tutoring (Brain Trust & Carnegie Leaning) Engagement with BeAble platform to provide supplemental reading skill development Use of guided vocabulary and grammar instruction through supplemental curriculum Engaging in professional development to increase instructional practices such as Culturally Relevant Instruction Engagement Strategies Utilizing the Capturing Kids Hearts framework to increase relationship building between staff and students and minimize classroom disruptions Commitment to using the adopted curriculum with added supports to reach our mastery and remedial level students Parent engagement is at the heart of our school improvement efforts. Here are some ways we can work together: Make sure that both you and your student are aware of academic expectations set for your student this school year. A list of learning objectives in student-friendly language is available from your students teacher(s). Call your childs counselor if you have questions or concerns about your student or to set up an appointment to meet with a school staff member works with your student. Make sure that your student is prepared and attends school each day. Monitor your students homework. Monitor the progress your student is making and attend meetings with your students teacher(s). Keep track of our website and social media sites: /alexandergrahamMS https://www.facebook.com/CMSAGMiddle/ https://www.instagram.com/agmiddleschool/ Volunteer. Join the AGMS PTO. Please visit agmspto.org Sounds like a lot but preparing our students so that they can succeed is not easy and is a group effort. Here are some resources available to help: Family Advocate, Ms. Reyes: Emily ( HYPERLINK "mailto:emilym.reyes@cms.k12.nc.us" emilym.reyes@cms.k12.nc.us, School Social Worker, Shikinda Gethers ( HYPERLINK "mailto:shikindad.gethers@cms.k12.nc.us" shikindad.gethers@cms.k12.nc.us) K-12 standards in academic subjects:  HYPERLINK "http://www.ncpublicschools.org/curriculum/" www.ncpublicschools.org/curriculum/ State student achievement test results:  HYPERLINK "http://www.ncpublicschools.org/accountability/" www.ncpublicschools.org/accountability/ N.C. School Report Cards:  HYPERLINK "https://ncreportcards.ondemand.sas.com/src" https://ncreportcards.ondemand.sas.com/src Were excited about this school year and are working to make it a success for your student. Already, we have: Engaged in the first round of first quarter MVPA benchmarks and starting the work to review trends to Kicked off our PTO Schoolwide fundraiser, The AG Fund Award 40+ students for being able to self direct as connected to our CHH framework Celebrated 369 students who exemplified Bulldog Pride and earned 40+ House Points Celebrated 500+ students for making the 1st Quarter Honor Roll Celebrated several district wide winners for their Engagement in BeAble Hosted our First Quarter Parent Social Acknowledged students that have been selected for All County ֶƵHonors Band Shared weekly awards with students for Perfect Attendance Selected 29 students to be inducted to the National Jr. Beta Club Selected 35 students to be inducted to the National Junior Honor Society If you have questions about the content of this letter, please feel free to reach out to me at  HYPERLINK "mailto:dawseyd.conner@cms.k12.nc.us" dawseyd.conner@cms.k12.nc.us or by calling at 980-343-5810. Sincerely, Darryl Conner, Jr., MEd. Principal      Mr. Darryl Conner, Jr., Principal Phone: 980 - 343 - 5810 Fax: 980  343-5868 https://www.cmsk12.org/alexandergrahamMS "#/:;<>AHJUY[\]_`aŽnnn`nh 'CJOJQJ^JaJ h 'hK3CJOJQJ^JaJ h 'hD#CJOJQJ^JaJ h 'h-CJOJQJ^JaJh 'husCJaJ h 'husCJOJQJ^JaJh_~CJaJhK3CJaJhD#CJaJh 'CJaJhusCJaJh '5CJOJQJaJhus5CJOJQJaJ$  m n ?f 9D[$\$gds & F9D[$\$gdsgds [$\$gdsgd8Z[$\$]Zgd8$a$gd '      x y z { # ' l n ޭ|j[[[[h^$#h^$#B*CJaJph#h^$#hs6B*CJ]aJph,h^$#hs56>*B*CJ\]aJphh^$#hsB*CJaJphh^$#h8CJaJh^$#h8B*CJaJph h 'h-CJOJQJ^JaJ h 'husCJOJQJ^JaJ h 'hitCJOJQJ^JaJ h 'h_~CJOJQJ^JaJ! 9 k l m n y ~ " =>?def+Pδ΢h^$#hsCJaJ#h^$#hs5B*CJ\aJphh^$#h^$#B*CJaJphh^$#hsCJaJh^$#hsB*CJaJphh^$#h^$#CJaJ.h^$#h^$#B*CJaJfHphq :Qr'}~6yZ({@W & FZ[$\$]Zgds & FZ[$\$]Zgds [$\$gds & F9D[$\$gd^$# & F9D[$\$gdsPQqr&'|}~ 456vy&XZ^_bgh{ %(ʻh^$#h^$#CJaJh^$#hsCJaJh^$#hsB*CJaJphh^$#h^$#B*CJaJphhsB*CJaJphh^$#hsCJaJh^$#hsB*CJaJphA(*EST^{'*<@EIW#*:EMUVWX379KLM`CDEnhiB*CJaJphh^$#hsB*CJaJphh^$#hsCJaJUWWXMEn} & F gdigdi & F 9D[$\$gds  & F 9Dgds & F 9D[$\$gds [$\$gds & FZ[$\$]Zgds!"$%&*018DWXYZfyz|}ǿǗhshsB*CJaJphhhi0JCJaJjhiCJUaJhiCJaJhshsB*CJaJphh^$#hsCJaJh^$#hsB*CJaJphh^$#h^$#B*CJaJph5"*+,fgh~ݽݽ윜~~~~~~~~~~h^$#hC B*CJaJphh^$#hsB*CJaJphh^$#hsB*CJaJph#hshs6B*CJ]aJphhshsB*CJaJph hshs>*B*CJaJphhshsB*CJaJph&jhshsB*CJUaJph-} r !N!v!!!B"""\#]#i#Z[$\$]Zgd^$#gd8 [$\$gd^$# & F [$\$gdC [$\$gds9Dgds & F 9Dgds   J h j q r !!!!!L!M!N!S!Y!u!v!!!!!!!!!!!!"")"*"B"F"L"N"Z"]"e"f""""""""""h^$#h^$#B*CJaJphhshsB*CJaJphh^$#h^$#CJaJh^$#hC CJH*aJh^$#hC B*CJaJphh^$#hC CJaJ?"""""## ######"#(#4#;#<#=#G#X#\#]#g#h#i#j#|###########Ŷ~ld``d``h;qjh;qU#h^$#hZ;6B*CJ]aJph#h^$#h '6B*CJ]aJphh^$#h 'B*CJaJphh^$#h^$#CJaJh8B*CJaJphh^$#h8B*CJaJphh^$#h8CJaJh^$#h^$#0JCJaJh^$#h^$#B*CJaJph&jh^$#h^$#B*CJUaJph%i#j################$$$$gd$a$$a$gdD#$^`a$gd/'$a$gdo(Z[$\$]Zgd8Z[$\$]Zgd^$##################################$ $$$$"$($öxxdx'h/Ch8CJOJPJQJ^JaJo(husCJaJh/Ch8CJaJh8h 'hus56\]h 'hI56\]h 'h856\]h 'h/'56\]h/'CJaJho(h8CJaJhD#CJaJ(jho(hD#CJUaJmHnHuh;qjh;qU'($:$<$>$F$N$R$Z$\$^$`$v$$$$$$$#h^$#hZ;6B*CJ]aJphh;qh8 h/CCJhushusCJaJ'h/Ch8CJOJPJQJ^JaJo(h/Ch8CJaJhusCJaJh0CJaJ$$Z[$\$]Zgd^$#i&P+p-p.p1h467:p_~/ =!"#$% ne?!@*)i~PNG  IHDRX DtRNS["bKGD̿ cmPPJCmp0712`>IDATx^] |Tտ,,qٰH b#$F#hJ""&""ZkJ)"(ЂEDD & $! !R{,)&s /8wߝY#|"w4f1:w\t?M6{s5p݂;tm*=x(;)}j dKsԖ 4#aAAWzCmЈ#:!@5u*3'ǖWO I &t<_-8|loQڤ=z"ag%}YMKw5‚NGGE o@3:?bKmƎMW< qu(BT~RP9qzJp2Jv!V 1t2w4j9BV}_a$&qł‚Bp{dDwG'N%];~ktbUj [ c1̢ٜ2^&|2\?_2a@Y&ᛸ/UդkR#D/}Wz д p !qk{l1=IhZ| k;E[s?sa`'?TfI i.XnKJDr[?A͔m|sʰ9N4v0/[Rb ł``=Lo>v4ʁ`A:ɋDMO+hU n\I}#kN7ILR4 ܏/cU`Pheh,:Q&L x(\ B,Y<5<*j[!h@t~ ꩍAW'*~g_ 5M"l^ȖZrk@^U_vsP L1ڨbcAE1\{j+ǔ:a!y kFuۮ qMpg/tݙS! 9{ iZm?Nbs5d5]6mFʶAH+cBA}+m_;b&Ŧb166K?XaXv׾mXdYvl<D(Ȃ*:4} op]Ĺ|PWf$n7>z._Xْdz*@VW`uBt%4+% ry}GoY1[#a"Vu݊EjPa26/c~+_Ֆ`;b~Ɛy~\\n '&ӾWi Gs)[ Diiz~/fj%v :,Xeu@r^$>T+a&C7J*8e:@Vnt/&I2V#&S/s.\~{oP25k@~|'Sm{o6IQ=[N܊bݚP ӻ[Ri x4!|ᵡBnY{/F@=j (z8C_z-7NkhzaTv4ȽxrB׀rw@U}Y*s:?"b8e۾R9:yU$l/r)SA6ǞВP{{Ѐɕ'JG@7w,-g<9$΍g ĠnLMk0+Pż~[2h# 2+W:C7w{fܝ=%vI˿ܕPE_P uKnQϳW kn53! 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